Tear Stains 101
It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul. They are the holders of memories and emotions. When our pet’s eyes are weepy, full of gunk, and surrounded by tear stains, our pets look and feel uncomfortable, are susceptible to bacteria or yeast growth, and struggle to see the love we pour into them each day. Continue reading to learn more about tear stains, their impact, and how best to resolve them from the inside out.
What are tear stains?
Tear stains are dark brown or reddish marks underneath a dog or cat’s eyes. Excess tears contain iron and magnesium pigments, called porphyrin, which causes discoloration. Porphyrins are also excreted through the gastrointestinal tract, urine, and saliva which is why you often see staining around the nose and mouth as well.
Why treat tear stains?
When an animal has excess tears, that means the excess minerals adhere to their coat and oxidize, which causes the tears to stain. These excess tears also cause the dog or cat’s coat to become wet, which is not only uncomfortable, but can also lead to bacterial growth and yeast.
How does Angels' Eyes help?
Angels’ Eyes takes a holistic approach to cleaning and preventing tear stains.
Internal: The Angels’ Eyes Chews and Powders are powered by a proprietary blend of active ingredients to help treat the excess tears from the inside out. Our chews and powders are composed of natural antioxidants with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that bind with the pigments to help keep your pet’s eyes bright and clear by binding with the minerals, helping to prevent discoloration of the fur. The medicinal properties also assist in preventing bacteria and yeast growth in the moist area produced by excess tears.
External: While the Chews and Powders take time to rebalance the dog or cat’s minerals in his or her system, the Angels’ Eyes Wipes and Tear Stain Solution contain a gentle cleansing agent that cleans the fur, soothes the skin, and helps prevent bacteria and yeast growth. The Wipes and Solution are also perfect to help clean dirt, mucus, or discharge from the eye area and help reduce the risk of eye irritations and itching caused by foreign matter.